









1.2012.09-2014.10 获澳大利亚国立健康研究院(NHMRC)研究基金在Monash University预防医学系全球健康研究部博士后研究(全球健康与慢病)。

2.2005.11-2011.03 泰国Mahidol University&美国University of North Carolina- chapel hill公共卫生学院健康教育与行为科学专业学习,获健康教育与行为科学专业博士学位。

3.2018.09-2020.07: 8040威尼斯 公共卫生学院学习,获流行病与卫生统计硕士学位。

4.1983.09-1988.07: 同济医科大学公共卫生学院学习,获医学学士学位。


2020.09-至今:    8040威尼斯 卫生管理系

2017.11-2020.08: 飞利浦中国研究院(Philips China Innovation Hub)数字健康部(digital health)

1988.07-2017.10: 安徽省疾病预防控制中心 健康教育所

科研工作 (近10年):

1.TA-9571-REG: Scaling Up One Health Approaches in the Greater Mekong Subregion (2021-2023)

Fund by Nossal Institute, Global Health, University of Melbourne. 

2.安徽省农村地区糖尿病患者自我管理模式研究:基于社会支持(Social Support)理论 (2022-2023), 安徽高校人文社会科学研究项目 (SK2021A0176).

3.基于追踪随访调查的居民健康素养提升路径研究 (2021-2022)(承担定性研究部分),经费来源:江苏省疾病预防控制中心

4.中英减盐项目 (承担安徽省餐厅和家庭菜肴采样)(2021),经费来源:中国疾病预防控制中心营养与健康所 

5.Global Actions on Harmful Drinking Project: Noncommercial Alcohol Use in China. (2011-2012)

Funded by Nebraska Prevention Center for Alcohol and Drug Abuse & University of 

Nebraska-Lincoln, Department of Educational Psychology

6.China/Dutch cooperation program: Communication Program to Support prevention and Early Detection of Cardiovascular and Neurovascular Diseases in Hefei, Anhui Province. (2010-2013)

Funded by Dutch Government Grant

7.Peer Support Approach for Diabetes Self-management in Urban Community Settings in Anhui Province, China. (2009-2011) (doctoral dissertation)

Funded by Anhui Health Bureau & peer for progress (USA). 

8.Digital solution on gestational diabetes prevention for pregnant woman in hospital setting (2017-2019), fund by Philips.

9.突发公共事件危机心理干预能力资源状况调查研究 (2009-2010),基金来源卫生部。

10.安徽全球基金农村艾滋病项目IEC材料的开发与评价研究 (2003-2005),基金来源,全球基金(Global Fund)。

11.健康教育传播材料在SARS预防中的效果评价研究。(2002-2003),基金来源:世界银行 (Word Bank)。


13.农村地区乙肝疫苗安全注射健康教育与健康促进研究 (2000-2002),基金来源,联合国儿童基金会(UNICEF)。


1.仲学锋,基于社会支持理论的糖尿病自我管理研究进展[J]. 中国健康教育,2021, v.37(12) 1117-1120. DOI: 10.16168/j.cnki.issn.1002-9982.2021.12.012.

2.赵子笑,仲学锋,门诊就诊者对慢性病和特种重大疾病报销政策知晓情况调[J],健康教育与健康促进,2021,16(5):470-473. DOI:10.16117/j.cnki.31-1974/r.202105470(通讯作者).

3.Xuefeng Zhong, Zhimin Wang, Edwin B. Fisher, Chanuantong Tanasugarn. Peer 

Support for Diabetes Management in Primary Care and Community Settings in Anhui Province, China. Annals of Family Medicine, 2015; 13(Suppl_1): S50-S58. doi: 10.1370/afm.1799.

4.Xuefeng Zhong, Bert Potemans , Lianzhi Zhang ,Brian Oldenburg. Getting a 

Grip on NCDs in China: An Evaluation of the Implementation of the Dutch-China Cardiovascular Prevention Program. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 2015; 22 (3):393-403.DOI:10.1007/s12529-014-9453-z.

5.Zhong X. (2019) Psychosocial Behavioral Intervention. In: Gu D., Dupre M. (eds) 

Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-69892-2_424-1.

6.Zhong X,Tanasugam C,Fisher EB,et a1.Awareness and practices of 

self-management and influence factors among individuals with type 2 diabetes in the urban community settings in Anhui province,China. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health,2011.42:184.196.

7.Fisher EB, Zhong X, Kowitt S, Nan H. The Importance of Contexts and the 

Roles of Community and Peer Support Programs in Bridging Gaps among Contexts, Self-Management Interventions, and Clinical Care. In: J R-S, editor. Quality of Health Care: Challenges, Evidence and Implementation. 2014.

8.Ding D, Zhong XF, Lau J T-F, Oldenburg. Behavioral medicine and prevention 

of non-communicable diseases in China: Current challenges and future directions. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 2014; 21(4):584-589.

9.Joost Dekker, Bo Bai, Brian Oldenburg, Chengxuan Qiu & Xuefeng Zhong

Behaviour Medicine in China. Int.J. Behav. Med. 2014; 21(4):571–73.

10.王志敏,仲学锋,张莲芝,安徽省癌症健康教育需求现状及影响因素[J]. 中

国慢性病预防与控制, 2016; 24 (6) :449-452.  (通讯作者)

11.仲学锋, 张莲芝, 安徽省农村居民饮酒行为特征及酒后驾驶影响因素调查研

究[J]. 健康教育与健康促进, 2014;9(4):251-55. 

12.仲学锋,王志敏,张莲芝,  2012年安徽省居民健康素养现状分析[J]. 中国健康


13.仲学锋, Edwin B. Fisher,糖尿病自我管理影响因素及健康教育干预研究进展[J]. 健康教育与健康促进,2010;5(2):133-138. 

14.仲学锋, 王志敏, 张莲芝等. 安徽省城市社区糖尿病患者健康状况及自我管理现状[J]. 中国慢性病预防与控制, 2010;18 (4):340-42.








5.《健康教育人员专业能力建设指南及解读》,李长宁、李英华主编,人民卫生出版社,2021。(ISBN 978-7-117-31130-4)


6.《健康影响评价实施操作手册》(2021版),卢永 钱玲主编,人民卫生出版社,2022. (ISBN 978-7-117-32759-6)








担任中国健康促进与教育协会理事、中国健康管理协会标准化与评价分会理事、安徽省医学科普学会副主任委员,中华预防医学会健康促进与教育分会委员;担任 International Journal of Behavior Medicine(国际行为医学杂志)特约编辑、《健康教育与健康促进》杂志常务编委,《中国健康教育》杂志 编委等。担任亚洲开发银行(Asia Development Bank ADB)公共卫生咨询专家(2020-2022)。香港中文大学预防医学系健康教育与行为研究中心兼职副教授,中国营养学会注册营养师。

学术交流 (近10年):

受邀参加第12、13、14、15、16届 国际行为医学大会,并在大会专题论坛发言。连续三年受Oxford University邀请,为牛津大学&WHO联合举办的《中低收入国家慢性非传染病预防和控制》国际继续教育班讲学。受邀参加芬兰赫尔辛基大学、香港中文大学、香港理工大学、新加坡国立大学,Mahidol University,Naresuan University等相关国内外高校举办的论坛作学术讲座和报告。


Date: Thursday 14th November 2018 

Place: 15th International Congress of Behavior Medicine. (Santiago Chile).

Presentation Topic: How digital technologies are changing health care delivery in China?

Date: Saturday 29th September 2018 

Place: 1st Asia Pacific Regional Behavioral Medicine Forum, Singapore

Presentation Topic: How digital technologies are changing health care delivery in China?


Date: Friday 9th December 2016 

Place: 14th International Congress of Behavior Medicine . (7-10 December 2016 Melbourne, Australia).

Presentation Topic: Peer support for diabetes management in primary care setting in China.            Date: 5th-6th December 2016 (Melbourne, Australia)

Place: Pre-ICBM Symposium: Improving program design, implementation and evaluation in a global world: Latest findings and evidence gap.  

Presentation Topic:  Program Scale-Up & Sustainability: Leanings from China.

Date:  11th-12th October 2016 

Place:  Uppsala Health Summit 2016-- Ending Childhood Obesity: Actions through health and food equity. (11-12 October 2016 Uppsala University, Sweden )

Date: Saturday 16th January 2016 

Place: International Behaviour Health Conference, organized by the Hong Kong Society of Behavioral Health

Presentation Topic: Learning More About Public Health Approaches to Prevent and control NCDs in China      Date: 15th January 2016 

Place: pre-conference workshop: Program evaluation in the ‘Real World’: Dissemination and Implementation Science

Presentation Topic: Examples of implementation and scale-up in China

(International Behaviour Health Conference, organized by the Hong Kong Society of Behavioral Health, January 16-17, 2016)


Date: Friday 29th May 2015, 10:30-11:00 a.m.

Place: Present at National Institute of Health Science (NIHS) Regional Training Centre, Kalutara, Sri Lanka

Topic: Prevention of CVD in China – Lessons from Case Study

From evidence to effective implementation: Improving the prevention and control of diabetes and others NCDs in South Asia. (26th-30th May 2015)

Date: 27 March 2015. 

Place: Department of Continuing Education, U of Oxford. (visiting lecture)

Presentation Topic: Learning More About Public Health Approaches for NCD prevention and Control in China” (Lecture and Discussion)

(Short courses: Prevention Strategies for Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs)

Date: 19 January 2015. 

Place: Faculty of Public Health, Mohidol University, Thailand. 

Presentation Topic: Lessons learnt from the Dutch-China Cardiovascular Prevention Program. 

Date: 22 January 2015. 

Place: Faculty of Public Health, Naresuan University, Thailand.

Presentation Topic: Starting to get a grip on NCDs in China: Lessons learnt from 2 recent NCD implementation trials in China. 


Date: 9 July 2014 ; Place: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 

Presentation topic:  Starting to get grip on NCD in China: An overview of the Dutch-China Cardiovascular Prevention Program

(2nd Symposium of HEALED Research Group: Extending the Healthspan: The Role of Diet & Exercise, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China )

Date:20 Aug. 2014, Place: Satellite Workshop Forum

Speaker Title 1: A new approach to prevent cardiovascular disease in China - What is the potential for impacting on policy and practice? 

Date:22 Aug. 2014 ; Place: ICBM Symposia

Speaker title 2:  A comprehensive approach for preventing cardiovascular diseases and diabetes in the Chinese primary care setting.(13th International Conference of Behavior Medicine (ICBM) in Groningen, Netherlands ).

Date: 26 Aug. 2014.  

Place:  International Research Seminar: Behavioural interventions in real world: lessons from translating evidence across countries and settings, University of Helsinki, Finland (2014).

Speaker title:  Topic Starting to get a grip on NCDs in China: An overview of the Dutch--China cardiovascular Prevention Program.


Time: April 11th, 2013

Place: 7th AMREP World Health Day Forum, Melbourne, Australia.

Presentation Topic: NCDs in China: Current Status, Responses and Challenges

Similar presentations were also given in workshops at Peking University, University of Helsinki and Oxford during 2013. 

Date: September 6 th, 2013; Place: Rewley House at Exeter College of Oxford University. Forum: Non-communicable disease prevention - policy development and implementation issues in Low and Middle Income Countries.

Presentation Topic:  China’s Response to NCD


Date: April 12, 2012; Place: Symposium 

Speaker title: Reciprocal Cooperation between Peer Supporters and Community Health Centers in China.(33th Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM) in New Orleans, USA)

Date: August 30, 2012; Place: Symposium 

Speaker title 1: Peer Support Interventions for Diabetes and Community Health Centers in China.

Date: August 29, 2012; Place: ICBM 2012 Satellite Forum 

Speaker title 2: Lessons learnt in developing a peer support program to improve diabetes management in Anhui, China. 

(12th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine (ICBM) in Budapest, Hungary ).